Exercise 5.3 – Study of a corner of a room in different light

This exercise asked for studies in A5 watercolour – however, I decided to limit my palette to black for this exercise. The reason for doing so was I wanted to challenge myself with the depiction of light rather than over-complicate matters trying to add in colour as well.




Having previously felt I was hopeless at watercolour painting I find I am quite pleased with these results. In some ways these paintings indicate my progression on the course as capturing light was something I had never learnt to do as I had always previously painted with acrylics.

What I like:-

  • the changing shapes of light with the passage of time.
  • the watery qualities that are achievable with layers of watercolour paint.
  • the delicacy of watercolour painting

I am really excited by the final evening image.  Again, it reflects my interest in the way shapes change and become something other than themselves when the light goes.  It brings to mind the still life work of Gillian Carnegie, for example, Mono  https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/mono-63195 – the this definitely something I am hoping to explore further in some way going forwards.


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